
shoulder title中文什么意思

发音:   用"shoulder title"造句
  • 肩章
  • shoulder:    n. 1.肩,肩膀;〔pl.〕双肩;肩背;〔比喻〕担当的 ...
  • title:    n. 1.(书籍、诗歌、乐曲等的)标题,题目,题;篇名, ...
  • a title for:    大乘法师
  • no title:    无标题; 与无头衔
  • not title:    无标题
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  1. The simple sentences in news titles have such patterns as subject - predicate structure , modifier - keyword structure , verb - object structure , parataxis structure , structure with consecutive predicates , appositive structure , and single - word structure . subject - predicate structure is the major one in simple sentence . the logical relations between clauses of main titles that are complex sentences , or between shoulder titles and main titles , or between main titles and subtitles are : parataxis , continuity , illustration , causality , transition , progression , purpose , hypothesis , condition , and so on


        shoulder:    n. 1.肩,肩膀;〔pl.〕双肩;肩背;〔比喻〕担当的 ...
        title:    n. 1.(书籍、诗歌、乐曲等的)标题,题目,题;篇名, ...
        a title for:    大乘法师
        no title:    无标题; 与无头衔
        not title:    无标题
        of title:    业权;所有权,业权文件; 业权文件;所有权文件
        title:    n. 1.(书籍、诗歌、乐曲等的)标题,题目,题;篇名,书名。 2.(书的)标题页,扉页。 3.【电影】字幕。 4.称号;尊称,头衔,爵位,学位。 5.权利,资格。 6.【法律】土地财产所有权;地契。 7.【运】冠军,锦标。 8.(用 carat 表示的)金子的纯度[成色]。 9.【宗教】圣职就任资格;(天主教的)教区及该教区内的教堂。 a man of title 有头衔的人, 贵族。 John said he would give a good title to his new book. 约翰说他要给他的新书起个好书名。 His services give him a title to our gratitude. 他工作勤恳,有资格受到我们的感谢。 He has many titles to distinction. 他有好多资格使他知名。 quiet title 【法律】判决产权属谁。 regal title 王的称号。 Has Jones any title to the land 琼斯有这块土地的产权吗? vt. 1.加标题于;【电影】附加字幕。 2.授头衔[爵位等]。 3.用头衔[尊称]称呼。 adj. -d 有爵位的,有贵族头衔的。
        title of:    大通和尚
        shoulder:    n. 1.肩,肩膀;〔pl.〕双肩;肩背;〔比喻〕担当的能力;【动物;动物学】(昆虫的)肩角,前角,中胸角,侧角。 2.肩胛关节;(牛等连前腿的)肩肉;(衣服、家具等的)肩部;【筑城】(棱堡面与侧面所成的)肩角;【印刷】(铅字的)字肩;【建筑】用来支持的凸出部;路肩〔路两侧不铺柏油的部分,用于紧急停车〕。 3.掮枪的姿势。 4.【地质学;地理学】山肩,谷肩;峁;【航海】吃水浅的凸出处[弯曲部]。 clap [tap] sb. upon the shoulder 拍人的肩膀;逮捕。 come to the shoulder 掮枪。 dislocate [put out] one's shoulder 肩胛关节脱臼。 give [show, turn] the cold shoulder to 冷落某人,对某人表示冷淡;躲避某人,对某人表示讨厌,同某人断绝往来。 have a head upon one's shoulders 〔口语〕懂事,懂道理。 have broad shoulders 肩膀阔而强壮;能掮重物;能担负重任。 lay the blame on the right shoulders 指责应负责任的人。 over the shoulder讥讽,挖苦。 overleap one's shoulders 〔美国〕大显身手;超越自己的成绩或正常状态。 put on sb.'s shoulders [put on the shoulders of sb., shift on to other shoulders] 叫人家负责任,把责任推给别人。 put an old head on young shoulders 叫年轻人懂事,使年轻人认真负责。 put [set] one's shoulder to the wheel 积极工作,勤奋工作;帮助人。 rub shoulders with 和…接触;并肩,协力,团结一致。 shoulder to shoulder 密集;并肩;协力,互相帮助。 straight from the shoulder 直截了当地,不留情地,开诚布公地。 with one's shoulder to collar 紧张地(工作),拼命地(干)。 vt. 把…掮在肩上,掮,担;掮起。 vi. 用肩膀推,使劲推。 adj. 峰肩的(指航空客运量开始由高峰回落时期等)。
        shoulder-in:    肩内转
        shoulder to shoulder:    肩并肩地, 齐心协力地; 肩并肩地,齐心协力地; 肩对肩; 齐头并进; 齐心合力地; 齐心协力地
        shoulder-shoulder:    肩到肩/肩宽
        document of title; title of ownership:    所有权凭证
        shoulder length,small shoulder:    肩长
        shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm:    挨肩搭背
        shoulder-to-shoulder axis:    肩轴
        they were standing shoulder to shoulder:    他们肩并着肩站着
        a courtesy title:    礼节上的称谓
        a sutra of this title:    本行经
        a title of a buddha:    曼胜尊
        abbreviated title:    简略标题, 简略刊名
        absolute title:    经确定的业权; 绝对产权; 绝对权; 绝对所有权; 确定产权
        abstract of title:    产权简史; 产权契约摘要; 产权书摘要; 产权说明书
        abstract title:    产权说明
        academic title:    技术职称; 学术名衔; 学术职称; 学衔


  1. shoulder the responsibilities in earnest 什么意思
  2. shoulder the responsibility 什么意思
  3. shoulder throw 什么意思
  4. shoulder thrust 什么意思
  5. shoulder tick 什么意思
  6. shoulder to shoulder 什么意思
  7. shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm 什么意思
  8. shoulder to square up 什么意思
  9. shoulder tool 什么意思
  10. shoulder turning 什么意思


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